The purpose of the Response Taskforce
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) became essential and were in high demand. The traditional supply chain couldn’t keep up and 3D printing offered a solution for several of these products.
On Curaçao, a taskforce was formed to locally produce low-cost PPE’s during the Corona pandemic. These products are meant to help keep our community safe.
Products that were 3D printed:
Face shields, ear guards, respirator masks and door handles were printed. The products were tested and shown to health inspectors for approval.[/vc_column_text]
Below is the video showing the production and the partners of the COVID-19 Response Taskforce.
The vision
The vision moving forward is to use recycled plastic instead of virgin plastic for printing. This would greatly help reduce our plastic waste that ends up in the dumpster or on our beautiful beaches.
That’s why we introduced a deposit scheme for these 3D printed products. After use, people can bring them back to us and get a small deposit fee reimbursed, so we can recycle the parts into new products again.
Partners in the taskforce:
This local initiative is coordinated by a joint Taskforce of volunteers from the tech, business, design, and non-profit communities banding together to make a difference in these times of crisis.
Peter Newton
Camila de Conto
And great support by @citicuracao