‘Vrienden van Green Phenix’ is an NGO based in the Netherlands that supports the work of Green Phenix.
Vrienden van Green Phenix generates funding and donations.
Board Members
Sabine Berendse
Steven Winters
Leonie van Meel
Advisory Commission
Ed Berendse
Adric Walter
Wilma van Lent
About the Organization
KVK: 83633987
RSIN: 862941623 met ANBI status
Our goal: Support the work of Green Phenix in the Caribbean;
Contact: vrienden@greenphenix.com
Funding: Stichting Vrienden van Green Phenix raises funds, sponsorships and donations. Both from individuals and from companies.
Spending: The funds will be used by Green Phenix to realize their goals. The NGO makes no profit.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for their activities. Direct costs can be reimbursed.